
Solutions of life,made easy

...through the revolution within

Welcome to the magical world of self reformation.

About the Author

The author is a consulting professional with a decades of experience in Global cultural environment of technology business. A technology graduate and management freak , who keenly observed the people & problems from the perspective of personal evolution , has tried to consolidate his learning’s in the written format. This was the beginning of journey towards becoming an author for a cause. The cause which is no superficial but basic noble need. The need to understand and create a better life out of the environment in which we live and dream. The need to understand and utilize our most important assets which are our body and brain. The need to ignite the right intellectual spark from within that can create and lead the path from dreams to reality.The need to find simple solutions for so called critical problems of life. Read More

Discover your inner World

Whenever we think and act we have something inside that drives what we think and how we act. That inside thing is extremely crucial , it doesn’t only influence our decisions but also designs the style and flavor of our behavioral expressions. Our expressions become our personality as perceived by others. If our perceived personality is powerful, affluent, adorable, trustworthy, dependable, joyous or empathetic then we automatically become everyone’s favorite, we receive respect and love and appreciations for our thoughts , actions and behavior. On the contrary if our perceived personality is weak, .. Read More….

About his latest Book

book , B4Success the revolution within
B4Success...the revolution within

Life has many folds. Each fold contains numerous dreams, expectations, perceptions and experiences. Dreams prompt us to do something great for attainment of greater life. Expectations incite us to embrace related heaps of various emotions. Emotions raise critical influences on somatic & autonomic process within our body and brain. If those emotions, generated within us, are upright they excite our body and brain to work intelligently, thoughtfully and consciously.  

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