
Touch your inner World

Whenever we think and act we have something inside that drives what we think and how we act. That inside thing is extremely crucial , it doesn’t only influence our decisions but also designs the style and flavor of our behavioral expressions. Our expressions become our personality as perceived by others. If our perceived personality is powerful, affluent, adorable, trustworthy, dependable, joyous or empathetic then we automatically become everyone’s favorite, we receive respect and love and appreciations for our thoughts , actions and behavior. On the contrary if our perceived personality is weak, poor, hateful, doubtful, unreliable, dejecting or depressing then we automatically become bête noire for everyone around, we receive disrespect and disapproval and criticism for our thoughts, actions and behavior.

Yes ! thoughts, actions and behavior – the three projectors of our inner world.These three projectors are always on and always projecting the frames of your inner world on the screens of your outer world.

The outer world which is nothing but the perceptual eyes of people present around you in your professional and personal environments of living. There are chances of perceptual errors but in ninety percent cases what you project is what people see and accordingly draw an image or opinion about you. What you get as response from your outer world is actually not a response to you , its a response to your drawn image. Yes ! your drawn image is your front facing personality for your outer world. If somehow , your thoughts or actions or behavior project an image of weak and unreliable personality then people are bound to respond in disrespectful manner. That’s how people, including you me and everyone else, are programmed at their psychological level. Think honestly , and ask yourself , ” how do you respond to a weak , arrogant, trust-less and depressing personality ? do you respect , love or care ? “. There may be exceptional cases of bounded relationship but in ninety-nine percent situations you won’t be able to control your revolt.

As soon as you get stuck into the traps of revolt and reactions with numerous personalities around, you loose the path of self-improvement rather you start becoming more like those perceived pseudo personalities against which you are revolting every now and then. You get indulged in fighting with something unreal and what you put at the stake of it ? everything real that you possess as health , wealth, relation but undermine them all for no good reason.

You can never stop the three projectors from projecting your inner world to the outer world. Neither you can stop the consequences.
But you can do something much better , you can change the input feed to those projectors. The input feed which is nothing but your own inner-world.