Your “Mind” is miraculous asset if you know how to deal with it , otherwise
it is a stubborn “Master” that never lets you rise above the status being it’s “slave”.

Have you ever encountered situations where you wanted to say something but said something else, you wanted to do something but ended up doing something else, you wanted to think something but thought something else, you wanted to decide something, but your decision turned to something else? Well all that which became “something else” was actually the influence of your mind. This “influence of mind” plays extremely important role in what kind of life you have to live. A life full of problems, adversities and sadness or a life full of solutions, blessings and happiness. Do you know, what kind of “influence” is running over your life ?
The nature of your mind significantly influences each and every activity that you do, each and every thought that you think, each and every emotion that you feel, each and every observation that you perceive, each and every decision that you take, each and every personality trait that your develop, each and every penny that you earn. The nature of your mind designs each and every achievement or failure that you face, each and every conflict that you encounter, each and every smile that you flash, even all the tears that you shed in sorrow. “The nature of your mind” is the creator of your pain and pleasure.

The Question is, is there any way to discover “the nature of your mind” ?
Answer is certainly yes. Just watch your present-life, carefully, and you will be able to understand the nature of your own mind. Just ask yourself , how’s life? It’s as simple as that.
Do you remain stressed and exhausted most of the time?
Do you feel irritated with the people present in your life?
Do you find it difficult to maintain healthy and happy relationships?
Do you feel, your relationship with your spouse is dying ?
Do you find it difficult to solve your financial difficulties ?
Do you fall sick frequently?
Do you find almost nil occasions to laugh and enjoy?
Do you find it difficult to be social?
Do you find it difficult to focus at one thing at one time?
Do you frequently mess with people?
Do you find it usual to remain frustrated or unhappy?
Do you forget your big dream due to daily life issues?
Do you find no good reason to make other laugh?
Do you overreact on criticism?
Do you always seek for your expectations to be met by others?
Do you have usual habit of finding faults in others?
Do you think you never do wrong or misbehave?
Do you never feel guilt or sorry?
Do you rarely appreciate or congratulate people?
Do you expect a dose of appreciation every day for yourself?
Do you find it difficult to become friends with whom you conflicted ?
Do you remain joyful and motivated most of the time?
Do you feel comfortable with the people present in your life?
Do you find it exultant to maintain healthy and happy relationships?
Do you feel, your relationship with your spouse is blooming every day?
Do you find it interesting to solve your financial difficulties ?
Do you fall sick rarely?
Do you find occasions to laugh and enjoy almost every day?
Do you find it delightful to be social?
Do you find it easy to focus at one thing at one time?
Do you frequently gel with new people?
Do you find it usual to remain calm and happy?
Do you remember your big dream despite of daily life issues?
Do you find many good reason to make other’s laugh?
Do you eagerly welcome criticism?
Do you always focus on your responsibilities rather than seeking for your expectations to be met by others?
Do you have usual habit of finding goodness in others?
Do you accept and realize when you do wrong or misbehave?
Do you express your feeling guilt or sorry?
Do you frequently appreciate or congratulate people?
Do you remain self-motivated in spite of expecting appreciations?
Do you find it motivating and joyful to become friends with whom you conflicted earlier?