I do hard work but never get credit or appreciations.
I feel I am getting manipulated by people around me.
Even my dear one’s, brutally hurt my emotions every now and then.
I study so much still get less marks in exams than I deserve.
My professional life is not seeing growth despite of good work done.
Life is playing unfair with me, I am starving for happiness.
Others succeed by awful means and I always have to pay huge price for my honesty.
My house is always messed up,looks dirty and dusty. its frustrating to clean again and again.
I am so tied up with routine life that I can’t do what I really want to do for myself.
I can’t sleep easily, worries surround me at the sleep time.
I am Fat/thin/ugly. It’s depriving me down in every aspect of my life.
I get sick frequently, don’t know what to do.
Health issues deformed my life, else I could have done something really appreciable .
I feel bored, teased and unhappy, too frequently.
My Spouse does not behave the way I expect, its accumulating a lot of stress everyday.
My expenses don’t match with my earnings , financial problems keep me disturbed.
God, Will I ever be able to afford life that I dream, it seems impossible ?
People talk behind my back. They hide what they should tell me and what they tell has no worth.
I feel anxious and insecure almost every-time.
I have no peace at mind.
I am losing on my passion and talent and interest with this boring job and life.
I want to be happy all the time but can’t, people around me are so pathetic that I cant even feel happiness.
I am so intensively frustrated with my life that sometimes suicide looks better option.
…. its a partial list of life problems which we face at one or the other stage of life.
Life has four stages. Stages are defined based on age. Its called studentship up to age of 25 years , householder up to age of 50 years , retired up to the age of 75 years and renunciation afterwards. Each stage has different set of associated problems. Each problem imparts different set of influences over each day of that very stage of life. Those influences are real elements for constructing our personality as a whole. Those influences can make us or crack us. If there are problems there are a solutions as well. If there are solutions , at least one of them is just extremely simple.Yes it is !
But the question is can we promptly identify, adapt and implement that simple solution before the problem take dominance over our everyday life? if yes then we are the masters of life , if not then life becomes our master. Unfortunately, the later is true for ninety percent of the people then no matter at what stage of life they are actually living in. Students worry for good grades and further for Job. Those who have job worry for better job, better recognition and better salary. Those who have all the three , worry for other humanly problems running along with their health , wealth , relationships and family. They worry for social recognition and inner satisfaction. They keep worrying on one or the other problem, anxiety never settles and stress never departs.
Problems dominate over us and we get into the struggle of life. Life remains a maze of problems and solutions don’t easily appear before us.

How to overcome from this maze of problems?
Problems don’t stay idle , they keep altering our IQ and EQ every moment. Our intelligence and emotions both get glued with the problems of life. Consequence is , we start to think and act around the problems with that only intelligence which is already contaminated and that only emotion which is already overpowered by the impact of that problem. So, in a way ,the size of problems grows beyond the size of our IQ and EQ in the pseudo space of our personal inner-world. At least that’s how most of us look at the problem. Our such perspective makes the problem more powerful and constricts our thoughts to be less innovative towards finding solutions. If problems looks so complex , solution becomes almost impossible to achieve.
But, do you realize one crucial aspect of your humanly characteristics here? that complexity is not real, it is actually our emotions behind that complexity which made it complex.
Stunning! isn’t it?
Yes. Behind problem there is a situation , behind situation there is a feeling , behind feeling there is an emotion, behind emotion there is a thread of provocation from our own inner-self. and that’s where the dam easy solution is hiding secretly.
If we have right mind-set to identify that solution , right thought to implement it then we never perceive any problem as big as it used to be , rather we become capable to solve the mammoth before it may gain any power to dominate over our IQ .
The big question is , how a problem grows into a powerful giant ?
Another big question is, from where that huge power comes into the problem which grows it big and bigger so quickly?
Yes. you guessed it right. It is no one else but your own emotion that hugely empowers the problems.
Do you still need to discover that one easy solution to solve your problems ? No ! as its already unveiled before you.
That simple solution is “cut the power supply to the problems , problems will go thin and thinner and then you can solve them easily with an ounce of wishful effort.”
So what next ?
Simply, learn to gain command over your emotions, give them right direction to produce rewarding thoughts and beliefs and feelings. That’s it and that’s all.
Emotions have enormous power to drive your life in a certain direction. That direction can move towards painful life filled with all of the problems or towards a blissful life filled with all of the solutions. Which direction it will take, depends on your inner-self. Your emotions are outcome of the situation provisioning capability of your inner-self.
Very useful content. Please publish more details on how to refine inner-self.